4 useful software Project Delivery tools. Serena cloud & Thoughtworks Mingle, Cruise & Twist.

Depending on your project approach, methodology / framework you’re following and required time-to-market, I’d recommend you consider some of these tools / cloud apps in your Project delivery approach…

Serena has some great in the cloud tools based on Agile / Scrum PM. They are here http://www.serena.com/ .

They also do a free system prototype tool which is surprisingly good quality… http://www.serena.com/pages/products/prototype-composer/download/app_download.html?Campaign_Id=14520&Activity_Id=37940


Thoughtworks also does some good stuff, like Mingle, Cruise and Twist. They are at http://www.thoughtworks.com/products .

Another interesting approach is the ‘continuous deployment’ approach based on the Lean Startup methodology.

Eric Reis has some great stuff here, with the associated Mindmap included, courtesy of Jussi Laakkonen. Go here for more http://jussilaakkonen.wordpress.com/2009/06/11/lean-startup-mindmaps/