How Twitter Can Benefit Any Business

Even though many businesses are now active members of the Twitter community, many others still fail to understand how Twitter could be of benefit to them, or feel that social networking is irrelevant to their business. However, using Twitter can have advantages for almost any business — here’s how…

Firstly, Twitter offers the perfect platform for many businesses to engage with their customers. Often businesses invest significant funding into issuing customer surveys, in the hope of finding areas in which they may be able to improve. However, Twitter provided a platform in which they can receive customer feedback free of charge. It is also a particularly convenient way for customers to get in touch, as they can let you know what they think quickly and easily, between checking their emails and ordering their online shopping. Twitter can also act as a platform for quick and concise communication with your customers when attempting to resolve any problems or issues. With reliable internet broadband widely available from providers such as O2, Twitter is an easily accessible option when it comes to customer communication. This public demonstration of first class customer service is also a great way of proving why potential customers should use your products or services.

Of course, not all businesses have customers, as such. However, this does not mean that Twitter can’t still offer a number of benefits. Whilst you may not be looking to promote a particular product or service, you could well benefit from the networking side of the site. Twitter offers a great ways to connect with other industry professionals, and to keep track of the latest developments in your area of interest. You may find that you are able to connect with people who you could work alongside in order to improve your organisation, or to further your development as a company. Whatever your business goals might be, using Twitter can often be a useful aid in achieving them.