Whisky Blender — Make your own blend of Scotch whisky
Whisky Blender — Make your own blend of Scotch whisky Build your own Whisky. have to try this for a special occasion.
Whisky Blender — Make your own blend of Scotch whisky Build your own Whisky. have to try this for a special occasion.
Quora leapfrogs Google, Mahalo, LinkedIn & Yahoo Answers. One step closer to John Battelle’s Database of Intentions Quora has got lot of attention lately, including more of mine than I initially thought. When I discovered Quora in 2010, my first thoughts were “Not ANOTHER social media/Social Network/professional
In January 2011 I posted Quora leapfrogs Google, Mahalo, LinkedIn & Yahoo Answers. One step closer to John Battelle’s Database of Intentions. While researching the post, I stumbled across a post from Saneel Radia, the Director of Innovation at BBHNew York. The post, The answer to this Quora? No.
[gallery] The best property to own! one foot of Islay where Laphroiag is born.
[gallery] Monaco Grand Prix goodness. Alonso struggling :-(
Every day I see businesses struggling with this very simple issue, an issue that defines the essence of how a business operates. Efficiency vs Effectiveness. Work Hard, not Smart. When I work with an efficient business, they’re often very short term focused, burning resources, all working extremely hard and
[gallery] Ship it. Now. Original image by Evan Walsh
We’ve just returned to Australia from a few weeks in Silicon Valley, and besides the obvious pay it forward and action oriented mindset, it appears to me that the system is based on reciprocity — the good kind of giving because you have received, not owing because you are in
2012, As our first year as a new startup business has been a busy year for us. We’ve been running an MVP consulting business, an offshore development business for outsourcing for startups, and building multiple in-house products, including the GetViable platform to turn ideas into viable startups. To streamline
We were recently invited to share our experience related to Outsourcing for Startups at General Assembly. This 90 minute lesson for entrepreneurs new to startups covered the key skills required to find and retain great resources, to specify the requirements efficiently and to manage the outsourcing or offshoring process effectively.
Ship your minimum viable product now! Just do it.
Leslie Barry from GetViable discussed outsourcing for startups at a recent WeTeachMe event. The full lesson is here and packed full of tips, tricks and advice on how and what to outsource some of the key work in your startup. We have used outsourcing to build 14 startups this year