Stay focussed and enjoy the holidays!
It’s near the end of another year — you’ve trained hard, dieted well and have updated Exertrack with your info. Before you dive into that Holiday food, have a look at your stats for the year for some encouragement!This is the hardest time of the year to stay on track, and even if you can’t /don’t want to stick to your usual routine, get out there for a walk, swim or ride, or try the following -
tell yourself that you’re going to just do your warm-ups or cardio and take it easy on the weights, get into the gym, and before you know it, you’ll have done your whole routine, and burnt of some calories to use on Christmas day for the meal!
Don’t forget to enter the competition to celebrate the launch of version 2.0, Exertrack™. We’re giving away an Apple iPod shuffle to a lucky Green member and a super iPod Nano to a Gold member!
Very handy to take your Exercise Podcasts to gym with you…
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Season’s greetings from all of us here @ Exertrack — we look forward to helping you get back in shape next year ;-)
P.S. Remember that you can refer your friends to earn extra Exertrack Health Points by clicking here…